For more than two years, people have been struggling to fight COVID-19.
Advanced modern medical technology has been tested amid the emergence of
new variants around the world whenever the long tunnel seems end soon.
For now, the global pharmaceutical industry and medical academia are working
to build an effective virus reponse system, instead of just developing medicine
and vaccines for preventing the pandemic.
The reasons are that new types of infection can approach the global humanity,
and that it is impossible to rule out the possibility of appearing a new birus more
contagious than COVID-19.
The interval of new epidemics has become shortened, and this further exacerbates
the crisis. From the beginning of the 2000s, a variety of pandemics such as SARS,
New Influenza and MERS susequently hit the world. For now, the world is coping
with a poweorful COVID-19.
Despite formidable obstacles set by the pandemic, interest in epidemiological
sutdies has been stronger than ever before. Importantly, it is necessary to suggest
a new direction and strategy of carrying out new epidemiological studies aimed to
overcome COVID-19 wisely and respond to the second pandemic crisis. This can
be achieved by promoting cooperation between the government, academia
and business entities.
In this regard, the Financial News and Korea Research Institute of Chemical
Technology will host the 14th Seoul International New Pharmaceuticals Forum
to discuss the parth forward and future tasks of epidemiological research.
Title : The 14th Seoul International New Pharmaceuticals Forum
Theme : Direction and Strategy of Future Epidemiological Studies in the Era of Post-pandemic
Date : On Wednesday, June 15th, 2022 (09:00 ~ 12:00)
Venue : Park Ballroom, Conrad Seoul (5F)
Hosts : The Financial News,
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
Sponsors : Ministry of Health and Welfare,
Ministry of Science and ICT, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety,
Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association,
Korea Biotechnology Industry Organization,
Korea Research-based Pharma Industry Association
Contact : Seoul International New Pharmaceuticals Forum Secretaria
Tel. 02-6965-0016 / Mail. info@fnmice.com