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강연자 & 자료

Seiji Mori

페이지 정보


Seiji Mori

Head of IP Operations and Project Management, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited


Seiji Mori is Head of IP Operations and Project Management of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. 

He started the career with trademark practices and supports of branding for marketing teams, including establishment of global naming policy and process. 

In the trademark career, he experienced working at a UK IP firm in a training program. 

From 2008, his coverage was extended into other areas such as employee inventor remuneration issues, IP ownership rule in Takeda group, 

patent portfolio management, copyrights, trade secrets and public/policy affairs. Alongside the above, he has been leading 

operational management of Takeda IP group which consists of approx. 100 people located in USA, Switzerland, Germany and Japan.  


For 2012 –2014, he was a steering committee member of IP committee of JPMA (Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Association).  

For 2016 – 2017, he was Managing Director of JIPA (Japan Intellectual Property Association). 


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