제06회 서울국제파생상품컨퍼런스 > Forum & Conference

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올해 6회를 맞이하는 서울국제파생상품컨퍼런스는 아시아 최고 컨퍼런스로 자리잡고 있습니다. 

서브프라임 사태 이후 새로운 장을 맞이하고 있는 헤지펀드 시장과 새롭게 떠오르는 CDM(Clean Development Mechanism) 등 최근 이슈가 되고 있는 주제를 가지고 국내 금융시장의 현재와 향후 전망을 모색하는 자리를 마련합니다. 

특히 이번 컨퍼런스는 Journal of Alternatives Investment 에디터인 토머스 스니와이스(Thomas Schneeweis) 교수가 참가하며 북미, 유럽, 아시아 등 전 세계 금융시장을 주도하는 주요 석학들이 대거 참가할 예정입니다.

▣ 행사 개요

▶ 행사명 : 제6회 서울국제파생상품컨퍼런스
                The 6th Seoul International Derivatives Securities Conference

▶ 주  제 : 서브프라임모기지 사태 이후 헤지펀드 시장과 그린 파이낸스
               Hedge Funds After the Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis &
               Emerging Green Finance Markets

▶ 일  시 : 2008년 8월 27일(수) ~ 28일(목)

▶ 장  소 : 서울 소공동 웨스틴 조선호텔 그랜드볼룸

▶ 주  최 : 파이낸셜뉴스, 한국증권선물거래소

▶ 후  원 : 금융감독원, 한국증권업협회, 자산운용협회, 한국선물협회

▣ 참가자

▶ 일반 참가

 - 대  상 : 증권, 은행 등 금융기관 실무자 및 주요 대학 관련학과 교수/대학생

 - 홍  보 : 금융기관 실무자를 대상으로 이메일 및 전화연락

 - 참가 인원 : 총 600여명


 - 후원기관 : 증권선물거래소 이사장, 한국증권업협회장, 자산운용협회장, 한국증권금융 사장

 - 개 막 식 : 각 후원기관 및 증권사 대표이사 참석(개막식 전 티타임 진행 예정)

▶ 참가 등록

 - fnnews.biz 내에 공식 홈페이지에서 온라인 참가 접수






Good morning. I am Byun, Dong Shik, President & CEO of the Finacial News.


We sincerely welcome all distinguished guests from home and abroad to the 20th 

Seoul International A&D Conference.

In particular, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Director Lee Bok-heon, 

the Financial Supervisory Service Director, for willingly participating in the time 

spent fighting with the village, Na Jae-cheol, Chairman of the Financial Investment 

Association, Son Byung-doo, Chairman of the Korea Stock Exchange, and 

Ahn Hyo-joon, Head of National Pension Fund Management Division, for their grace.

Financial News, a ‘first class economic newspaper’, has been hosting the Seoul 

International Derivatives Conference for the past 20 years, proactively forecasting 

changes and challenging opportunities in the alternative and derivative markets, 

and listening to the opinions of experts. In response to the rapidly changing 

financial investment environment, the name of the event was changed to 

"Seoul International A&D (Alternative & Derivative) Conference" in 2018.

Through this event, which is proud of its history and tradition, we are proud that 

we have contributed to reestablishing the status of alternative and derivative 

markets in the Korean capital market. However, it is true that it is difficult to make 

a profit with only stocks and bonds, which are traditional assets, as the internal 

and external fluctuations have increased recently. In fact, some large companies 

n Korea and the IB industry and the financial investment industry are paying attention 

to a variety of alternative assets such as real estate, real estate, and infrastructure 

overseas, beyond Korea.

As we all know, Russia's invasion of Ukraine is causing the world economy to 

face a serious inflation crisis. The global stock market, virtual assets, and real estate 

have lost their way due to aggressive interest rate hikes and austerity measures 

in major countries such as the United States, and it is difficult to find suitable 

investment destinations.

Therefore, at this year's conference, we would like to have time to explore 

promising investment opportunities by meeting with domestic and foreign experts 

under the big theme of 'Where are the emerging alternative investment destinations 

in the era of inflation?'

In Session 1, Adrian Mukhalov, Partner of Actis, a private equity management firm 

specializing in British alternative investment, gave a keynote lecture under the title 

of ‘Alternative Investment is an Investment Solution in the Era of Inflation’. We hope 

that you will quickly reveal why infrastructure is so important to inflation.

In addition, we expect that various lecturers including Richard Miller, CEO of TCW's 

credit division, Sung-Joo Lim, Vice President of SK Ecoplant, and Dong-Geun Lee, 

Executive Vice President of Samjong KPMG, will provide strategies and implications 

for alternative investment suitable for the era of inflation.

In addition, in Session 2, various experts are expected to present their opinions on 

the need for and the current status of the carbon credit futures market, which has 

recently been attracting increasing attention. While major countries around the world 

are making efforts to accelerate the realization of carbon neutrality, I have no doubt 

that the opening of the carbon credit futures market will greatly contribute to the 

vitalization of carbon credit trading.

It is hoped that this conference, which brings together major and institutional investors 

who move the domestic capital market, will serve as a meaningful place to become 

a compass for alternative investment in the era of inflation.

The sweltering heat of summer and the rainy season have finally come to an end, 

and the season of fruitiness, autumn, is fast approaching. We wish everyone 

in attendance health and happiness.

Thank you. 




Byun, Dong Shik

President & CEO,

The Financial News


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