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Distringuished guests from Korea and abroad,


Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is my great pleasure to welcome you all at the Fifth International Derivatives Securities 

Conference, which is hosted by the Financial News at a time when investors have a growing 

interest in derivative securities. Recognizing the importance of derivative securities early on, 

the Financial news hosted the first Derivatives Securities Conference in 2003, and we celebrate 

its fifth occasion this year.


Over the past few years, we have noticed a dramatic change in investors’ perception toward  

derivative securities. At the first event, we have focused on easing our audience of 

unsubstantiated uncertainty about derivatives products, and even tried to change the negative 

perception towards such financial products in the Korean financial market at that time.


But the market has seen a major change since. Derivative products have become the centerpiece  

that is helping Korea advance its burgeoning financial industry. The government has put forward 

a drastic measure to develop the derivatives markets through the enactment of the Financial 

Market Consolidation Act, which was passed by the National Assembly recently. Notably, the 

emergence of investment banks is expected to bring about a dramatic shift in the trading o

derivative products. Moreover, the conclusion of the Korea-U.S. FTA will also serve as a catalyst 

for the prompt introduction of advanced financial techniques into Korea.


During this conference, distinguished scholars and raking officials from Korea and elsewhere  

working in  the area will have heated debates including hedge funds. Coincidently, the Korean 

Government announced that it will areas the establishment of hedge funds as part of its broader 

strategy to develop Korea into a regional financial hub. It is hoped that frank and enthusiastic 

discussion at this conference will make an important contribution to the markets and policy makers 

setting up policy on hedge funds and derivatives securities.


Distinguished guests, 


The Korean financial market is poised to embrace a looming Big Bang in the wake of the enactment 

of the Financial Market Consolidation Act. As such, it is very timely that we hold this conference, 

which will allow us to learn about the latest market trends and cutting-edge financial techniques 

from advanced countries with mature financial markets. We hope that this event will serve as a solid 

stepping stone for Korea to develop its derivative securities market, and thereby join the ranks of 

advanced countries in the financial sector.


Once again, I would like to convey my profound gratitude for you taking time out of your busy 

schedule to attend this conference, and hope for the everlasting prosperity and success of you 




Jae-ho Jeon

CEO & Publisher,

The Financial News


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